Reports of domestic abuse higher on Thanksgiving

On average, there are 20% more cases in Los Angeles.


Domestic abuse in Los Angeles is often worse on Thanksgiving than other days in the month.


Since 2010, the number of cases reported to the Los Angeles Police Department has been higher on most Thanksgivings than on an average November day.


Taken together over the last eight years, Thanksgiving Day, when families often spend more time than usual at home together, has nearly 20% more reports of domestic abuse than an average day in November.



In 2011, there were 44 reported incidents of domestic abuse compared with a daily November average of 27, a difference of 63%. In both 2013 and last year, 2017, there was a 44% difference between Thanksgiving Day and an average November day.


Domestic abuse incidents are likely higher than these numbers reveal, as victims are often afraid to report. From 2006 to 2015, for example, only about 56% of non-fatal domestic violence incidents in the U.S. were reported to the police, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls domestic abuse “intimate partner violence,” and describes it as a “significant public health issue.” Victims are at risk for medical and mental health costs, increase in chronic disease, even death. Over 40% of all female homicide victims in the U.S. are killed by an intimate partner, according to the agency.


For help, call the the National Domestic Violence Hotline : (800) 799-SAFE (7233).


Locally, the LAPD has a specially trained team of officers and victim advocates that will respond to domestic abuse calls. The department also has a hotline: (800) 978-3600.


Here are more resources from the LAPD for getting help, including a listing of emergency shelters.