University Park Blotter: Jan. 15 – 21, 2019
In the style of old police blotters in newspapers, our Crosstown University Park Blotter is a weekly rundown of crimes in one neighborhood. We include as much relevant information as we can find in the LAPD data. University Park is unique in that there are two law enforcement agencies patrolling the area – the LAPD and the Department of Public Safety (DPS). We are focusing on crimes reported to the LAPD, and we link to weekly DPS reports below.
Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019
5 a.m.
Stolen vehicle
2100 block of Park Grove Ave.
No further information was available.
10:40 a.m.
Grand theft
3000 block of S. Flower St.
Suspect posing as a professional defrauded victim over the internet and tricked them into providing money or other services worth more than $950.
2 p.m.
Stolen bike
3500 block of Trousdale Pkwy.
A student’s bike was stolen. No further information was available.
2 p.m.
Stolen bike
3500 block of Watt Way
A student’s bike was stolen. No further information was available.
4:25 p.m.
Vandalism (misdemeanor)
3100 block of S. Flower St.
Suspect graffitied the area near an auto supply store, causing damage worth $399 or less, and escaped using the train.
9 p.m.
Stolen bike
2600 block of Severance St.
A student’s bike was stolen from their yard.
DPS also reported one residential fire and one alcohol-related incident for this day.
Wednesday, Jan.16, 2019
2:16 a.m.
Intimate partner aggravated assault
1100 block of W. 30th St.
Suspect, who was victim’s former or current partner, cut or stabbed victim in their apartment. Victim was a student.
8:05 a.m.
Attempted burglary
600 block of W. 28th St.
Suspect used bodily force on victim and attempted to rob them. An adult was arrested.
8:25 a.m.
Stolen bike
800 Bloom Wk.
A student’s bike was stolen.
11 a.m.
Stolen bike
3700 block of McClintock Ave.
A student’s bike was stolen.
2 p.m.
Stolen bike
2600 block of Monmouth Ave.
A student’s bike was stolen.
4:49 p.m.
Assault with a deadly weapon
30th St. and Figueroa St.
Suspect, who was homeless, brandished a knife that was 6 inches or less at victim in the street and threatened to kill them. Suspect was arrested.
6:15 p.m.
Stolen bike
3100 block of S. Hoover St.
A student’s unlocked bike was stolen.
7 p.m.
Theft from vehicle
1300 block of W. 29th St.
Suspect burglarized victim’s unlocked vehicle and removed their clothing and/or jewelry.
DPS also reported one roommate dispute for this day.
Thursday, Jan.17, 2019
4:15 a.m.
Battery with sexual contact
3200 block of S. Flower St.
A student was touched by a stranger near public transit. No further information was available.
1 p.m.
800 block of W. Jefferson Blvd.
Victim was robbed near a frat house.
4 p.m.
2600 block of Magnolia Ave.
A victim’s packages were removed from their dwelling.
DPS also reported one instance of harassment.
Friday, Jan. 18, 2019
12:47 p.m
1300 block of W. 25th St.
Suspect took packages from victim’s dwelling. The victim was a 38-year-old white female.
1 p.m
3500 block of S. Figueroa St.
A vandalism which resulted in $400 worth of damages or less took place near a coffee shop. No further information is available.
4 p.m
Stolen bike
600 block of W. 28th St.
A student’s bike was stolen. The victim was a 20-year-old female.
DPS also reported that “a prowling suspect was arrested for an outstanding warrant.”
Saturday, Jan. 19, 2019
1:35 a.m.
Stolen bike
3100 S Hoover St.
A student’s bike was stolen from the sidewalk. The victim was an 18-year-old white woman.
2:15 a.m
Stolen bike
800 block of Bloom Wk
A student’s bike was stolen.
5 a.m
24th St. and Hoover St.
Multiple suspects approached the victim from behind and robbed them. They made gang statements or asked questions about gang affiliation. The suspects had guns in their waistbands.
11:30 a.m
Intimate partner simple assault
Figueroa St. and Adams Blvd.
Suspect swung a fist at victim, who was sitting in their vehicle. Suspect was victim’s former or current partner.
12 p.m.
1000 block of W. 28th St.
A student’s unlocked residence was burglarized. Jewelry was removed.
12:47 p.m.
Battery/simple assault
Adams Blvd. and Figueroa St.
While on the street, suspect hit a victim with an object. Suspect used vehicle to escape.
DPS also reported one incident of identity theft on this day.
Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019
1:35 a.m.
Stolen bike
1200 block of W. 30th St.
A student’s bike was stolen from their residence.
4 p.m.
Stolen bike
3300 block of S. Figueroa St.
A student’s bike was stolen from the street.
DPS also reported one party shut down for this day.
Monday, Jan. 21, 2019
3:20 p.m.
Attempted burglary from vehicle
600 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Suspect broke the window of a student’s vehicle and attempted to ransack it. Suspect had a gun in their waistband.
8:40 p.m.
1200 block of W. 25th St.
Suspect entered victim’s residence while they were at home. Suspect used bodily force against victim and stole their property.
DPS also reported one narcotic-related arrest for this day.
How we did it: We looked at publicly available LAPD data on reports of crimes in the University Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. For neighborhood boundaries, we rely on the borders defined by the Los Angeles Times. Learn more about our data here.
LAPD data only reflects crimes that are reported to the department, not how many crimes actually occurred. In making our calculations, we rely on the data that the LAPD makes publicly available through the Open Data Portal. On occasion, LAPD may update past crime reports with new information, or recategorize past reports. Those revised reports do not always automatically become part of the public database.
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